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be still,
and listen.



Portrait of Young Woman

A trauma therapist based on Yoga, Meditation, and the Montessori method for stress and childhood development.


​Understanding and addressing our own trauma is a pivotal journey toward healing, both mentally and physically. Trauma, whether from past experiences or ongoing challenges, can linger within us, shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By delving into its depths, we unlock the keys to our own healing, unraveling the knots that bind us to our pain. Embracing this understanding empowers us to confront our fears, rewrite our narratives, and reclaim control over our lives. Moreover, addressing trauma isn't just a mental endeavor; it manifests physically too, often leading to ailments and tensions stored within our bodies. Through therapy, mindfulness practices, and self-care, we embark on a transformative odyssey, unraveling the layers of our trauma, and nurturing ourselves back to wholeness. Ultimately, by acknowledging and processing our trauma, we pave the path toward resilience, inner peace, and a renewed sense of self.


As human beings, we tend to forget our place in society, in family, and in ourselves. A simple act of kindness that has a butterfly effect simply skipping our thoughts just because we didn't put enough care into those little things. To become aware is to allow and make it a habit.


Grounding and connecting to Mother Nature is what you need to do as part of the universe to reduce all mental sickness and become a better person.

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